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Wednesday, 10 April 2024
08:30 to 09:15 Opening
08:30 to 09:00 Registration
09:00 to 09:05 Welcome
Speaker: Andy Brown (ECMWF)
09:05 to 09:15 Introduction
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Jean Bidlot (ECMWF)
09:15 to 11:05 Session 1: Dynamics of ocean waves

Chair: Hendrik Tolman

09:15 to 09:55 Wave coupling effects in regional and global atmosphere-ocean modeling
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Nobuhito Mori (Kyoto University)
09:55 to 10:15 Wave Breaking Probability in Highly Directional Seas
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: James Steer (University of Oxford)
10:15 to 10:35 Wave kinetics with the account for finite non-Gaussianity effects
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Sergei Annenkov (Keele University)
10:35 to 11:05 Coffee break
11:05 to 13:40 Session 2: Interactions between wind and waves

Chair: Shuyi Chen

11:05 to 11:45 Operational wave forecasting and two-way interaction of wind and waves
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Peter Janssen (ECMWF)
11:45 to 12:05 Effects of atmosphere-surface ocean waves two-way coupling on the simulated climatology of the North Atlantic
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Thomas Toniazzo (NORCE and Bjerknes Centre)
12:05 to 12:25 Updates on Wave Coupling for the next Global Forecast System GFSv17
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Jessica Meixner (NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC)
12:25 to 12:45 Adding wave model coupling to the Met Office GC5 global coupled modelling system
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Nikesh Narayan (UK Met Office)
12:45 to 13:40 Lunch break
13:40 to 15:40 Session 3 (Part 1): Wave-coupled effects in gas transfer and aerosol production and other processes where ocean waves are relevant

Chair: Øyvind Breivik

13:40 to 14:20 From wave breaking to air-sea fluxes of mass, heat, and momentum via bubbles and sea spray
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Sophia Brumer (Laboratoire d'Aérologie)
14:20 to 14:40 Breaking Wave Whitecaps: Applying laboratory-derived results to field observations
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Adrian Callaghan (Imperial College London)
14:40 to 15:00 Wind waves as a source of noise in the Earth system: opportunities formonitoring the stratosphere
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Fabrice Ardhuin (LOPS)
15:00 to 15:40 Coffee break
15:40 to 16:40 Session 3 (Part 2): Wave-coupled effects in gas transfer and aerosol production and other processes where ocean waves are relevant

Chair: Erick Rogers

15:40 to 16:00 Using High-Wind Observations to Constrain a Seastate-Dependent Air-Sea Heat Flux Parameterization with Spray for Use in Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Models
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Benjamin Barr (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
16:00 to 16:20 Wave-Coupled Effects in the CO2 Exchange and Spray Production near the Ocean Interface
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Alexander Babanin (University of Melbourne)
16:20 to 16:40 Parameterisation challenge: Lake Titicaca
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Jean Bidlot (ECMWF)
16:40 to 16:50 Comfort break
16:50 to 18:00 Day 1 wrap-up

Rapporteurs: Josh Kousal and Øyvind Breivik

16:50 to 18:00 Discussion, retirement presentations and poster introductions
Video recording
17:50 to 20:30 Posters
18:00 to 20:30 Ice breaker and posters

Agenda time displays according to the selected time zone.

Thursday, 11 April 2024
09:00 to 11:00 Session 4: Wave influences in the upper ocean

Chair: Peter Janssen

09:00 to 09:40 The wave-mediated ocean-atmosphere system
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Øyvind Breivik (MET Norway)
09:40 to 10:00 REMOTE PRESENTATION: FIO-ESM: the earth system model coupled with ocean surface waves
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Zhenya Song (First Institute of Oceanography, MNR)
10:00 to 10:15 On the impact of wave directionality in the ocean/wave coupling : Thanks to CFOSAT wave spectra
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Lotfi Aouf (Meteo France, DIROP-CNRM)
10:15 to 10:30 Miniaturized, Multi-Purpose Drifter for Sea Surface State Monitoring
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Alexey Mironov (eOdyn)
10:30 to 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 to 13:40 Session 5: Wave-sea-ice interactions
Chair: Nobuhito Mori
11:00 to 11:40 Ocean waves in sea ice: dependence of dissipation on ice thickness for coupled wave modeling
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Erick Rogers (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)
11:40 to 12:00 Short-term wave and ice forecast for navigation assistance in the Arctic Ocean
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Takuji Waseda (University of Tokyo)
12:00 to 12:15 Estimates of wave attenuation from ICESat-2 observations
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Joey Voermans (University of Melbourne)
12:15 to 12:30 The evolution of wave directional properties in the marginal ice zone
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Alberto Alberello (University of East Anglia)
12:30 to 12:50 Development of Wave-Sea Ice Interactions in the ECMWF Earth System Model
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Josh Kousal (ECMWF)
12:50 to 13:40 Lunch break
13:40 to 17:30 Session 6: Wave-current interactions

Chair: Fabrice Ardhuin

13:40 to 14:10 Wave-current interaction in operational wave forecasting
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Trygve Halsne (Norwegian Meteorological Institute)
14:10 to 14:30 A Vortex-Force Formalization Implementation for Representing Wave Effects on Currents COMPAS -SWAN unstructured coupled modelling suite
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Cagil Kirezci (CSIRO, Australia)
14:30 to 15:20 Group photo and coffee break
15:20 to 17:10 Session 7: Wave-coupled processes in extreme conditions

Chair: Sophia Brumer

15:20 to 16:00 Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Coupling in Extreme Conditions and High-Impact Weather Prediction
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Shuyi Chen (University of Washington)
16:00 to 16:20 Redistribution of Air–Sea Momentum by Ocean Surface Gravity Waves and its affect on the simulation of cyclone
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Lichuan Wu (Uppsala University)
16:20 to 16:40 Wave ensemble forecasting with a regional coupled system
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Vivian-Angelina Fraser-Leonhardt (Met Office)
16:40 to 17:00 Wave model driven changes in ECMWF Earth System Model
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Jean Bidlot (ECMWF)
17:00 to 17:10 Comfort break
17:10 to 18:10 Day 2 wrap-up
Rapporteurs: Josh Kousal and Øyvind Breivik
17:10 to 18:10 Discussion
Video recording
18:30 to 20:30 Social / networking
18:10 to 18:40 Pre-dinner drinks
18:40 to 20:40 Dinner at ECMWF

Agenda time displays according to the selected time zone.

Friday, 12 April 2024
09:00 to 10:45 Session 8: Wind, waves and turbulence

Chair: Takuji Waseda

09:00 to 09:15 Wind stress from the Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction Pilot Project in the Gulf of Mexico
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Francesco Ocampo-Torres (CEMIE-Océano, México)
09:15 to 09:30 Misaligned Wind-Waves Behind Atmospheric Cold Fronts
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: César Sauvage (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
09:30 to 09:45 Underestimate of ECMWF wind speeds in coastal areas
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Luigi Cavaleri (Institute of marine Sciences, Italian National Research Council)
09:45 to 10:00 REMOTE PRESENTATION: Experiments on surface wave-turbulence interactions
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Dejun Dai (First Institute of Oceanography)
10:00 to 10:15 On extreme events in random-phase NLS wavefields: onset of MI and the lentgh of the domain
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Agissilaos Athanassoulis (University of Dundee)
10:15 to 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 to 13:10 Session 9: Coupling strategies

Chair: Jessica Meixner

10:45 to 11:25 Coupling strategies
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Hendrik Tolman (NOAA / NWS)
11:25 to 11:45 A Particle-In-Cell Wave model for Efficient Sea State-Dependent Parametrization in Coupled Models
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Momme Hell (Brown University / NCAR)
11:45 to 12:05 Towards energetically consistent coupling
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Lars Czeschel (University of Hamburg)
12:05 to 12:20 Applications of SMC grid wave models in coupled systems
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Jian-Guo Li (UK Met Office)
12:20 to 13:10 Lunch break
13:10 to 15:00 Session 10: Data driven methods

Chair: Trygve Halsne

13:10 to 13:25 Do swells contribute to surface mixing? Results from machine learning models for SST diurnal warming and cool skin
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Haoyu Jiang (China University of Geosciences)
13:25 to 13:40 The effect of atmospheric instability on wave growth
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Fang Hou (National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center)
13:40 to 14:00 Application of machine learning in wave forecasting considering atmospheric instability
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Xu Rui (National Marine Environment Forecasting Center)
14:00 to 14:30 ECMWF Machine Learning developments
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Simon Lang (ECMWF)
14:30 to 15:00 Coffee break
15:00 to 16:00 Day 3 wrap-up

Rapporteurs: Josh Kousal and Øyvind Breivik

15:00 to 16:00 Discussion and conclusions
Presentation slides
Video recording
End of the workshop