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Location: Tecnopolo di Bologna

Agenda time displays according to the selected time zone.

Monday, 9 October 2023
13:00 to 17:00 Today's programme is not being livestreamed.
13:30 to 14:00 Arrival and registration
14:00 to 14:30 Opening remarks by Dr Florence Rabier, ECMWF Director-General and invited guests:

  • Presidente Stefano Bonaccini (President of the Regione)
  • Magnificent Rector, prof. Giovanni Molari (Rector of University of Bologna)
  • Professor Francesco Ubertini (President of Cineca)

14:30 to 14:50 Presentation and discussion around the ECMWF High-Performance Computing System and the European Weather Cloud: The ECMWF High Performance Computing Facility

Presentation slides
Speaker: Oliver Treiber (ECMWF)
15:10 to 16:10 Tour of the computer hall
14:50 to 15:10 Presentation and discussion around the ECMWF High-Performance Computing System and the European Weather Cloud: Implementation of the Production European Weather Cloud
Presentation slides
Speaker: Xavier Abellan (ECMWF)
Speaker: Stig Telfer (StackHPC Ltd)
16:20 to 17:20 Panel discussion on the topic of “Diversifying HPC” chaired by Antonio Navarra

Invited speakers will debate the various challenges and opportunities facing the HPC community.


  • Katherine Evans (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
  • Utz-Uwe Haus (HPE HPC EMEA Research Lab)
  • Peter Messmer (NVIDIA)
  • Sheri Mickelson (NCAR)

17:20 to 17:30 Group photo
17:30 to 19:30 Aperitif and buffet dinner
Transport to town centre

Location: San Domenico

Agenda time displays according to the selected time zone.

Tuesday, 10 October 2023
08:00 to 11:50 Morning session
Chair: Balthasar Reuter
08:00 to 09:00 Keynote: Modular Supercomputing: enabling application diversity in HPC
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Estela Suarez (Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich Supercomputing Centre)
09:00 to 09:15 Coffee break
09:15 to 09:30 Digital Twins of the Earth system
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Thomas Geenen (ECMWF)
09:30 to 09:55 Technical Challenges of deploying and running future Destination Earth Twins
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Utz-Uwe Haus (HPE)
Speaker: Craig Prunty (SiPearl)
09:55 to 10:20 Destination Earth, Data Spaces and a European Cloud Federation: opportunities and challenges
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Charalampos Tsitlakidis (European Commission - DG CONNECT)
10:20 to 10:45 The Earth-2 Service Architecture
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Peter Messmer (NVIDIA)
10:45 to 11:00 Comfort break
11:00 to 11:25 Machine learning at ECMWF
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Matthew Chantry (ECMWF)
11:25 to 11:50 AI for Simulation: Accelerating HPC with AI and IPUs
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Alexander Titterton (Graphcore)
11:50 to 13:10 Lunch break
13:10 to 17:10 Afternoon session
Chair: Martin Palkovic
13:10 to 13:35 Met Office HPC Update
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Paul Selwood (Met Office)
13:35 to 14:00 IFShub - An integrated web interface to IFS developer workflow
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Paul Burton (ECMWF)
14:00 to 14:25 Earth system modeling on Modular Supercomputing Architectures: coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations with ICON
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Olaf Stein (Research Centre Juelich)
14:25 to 14:50 Coffee break
14:50 to 15:15 The concept of NCAR’s community software facility
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Thomas Hauser (National Center for Atmospheric Research )
15:15 to 15:40 LFRic and NGMS: Meeting challenges of exascale through diversifying HP
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Iva Kavčič (Met Office)
15:40 to 16:05 Exascale Computing for Meteorology
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Ilene Carpenter (HPE)
16:05 to 16:20 Comfort break
16:20 to 16:45 Towards Diversified Exascale Numerical Weather Prediction Workflows
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Christopher Harrop (CIRES, University of Colorado and NOAA Global Systemes Laboratory)
16:45 to 17:10 ICON on its Way to Exascale – Status and Next Steps
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Claudia Frauen (German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ))

Location: San Domenico

Agenda time displays according to the selected time zone.

Wednesday, 11 October 2023
07:45 to 11:50 Morning session
Chair: Chris Kitchen
07:45 to 08:45 Keynote: Leveraging diversity in all dimensions to predict multiscale meteorology and its impacts
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Katherine Evans (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
08:45 to 09:30 Coffee break
09:30 to 09:55 HPC update for Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Adam Smith (Bureau of Meteorology)
09:55 to 10:20 Diverse Aspects of Computing at DWD
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Ulrich Schättler (DWD)
10:20 to 10:45 Embracing Diversity and Democratizing High-Performance Computing: Cultivating Inclusion and Driving Innovation
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Mthetho Sovara (Centre for High Performance Computing)
10:45 to 11:00 Comfort break
11:00 to 11:25 A Deep Dive into DPU Computing – Addressing HPC Performance Bottlenecks
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Richard Graham (NVIDIA)
11:25 to 11:50 Numerical Weather prediction at MeteoSwiss using ICON on GPUs
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Xavier Lapillonne (MeteoSwiss)
11:50 to 13:10 Lunch break
13:10 to 17:10 Afternoon session
Chair: Ioan Hadade
13:10 to 13:35 Foundation Model in Earth Science: Towards Atmospheric Prediction and Analysis
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Sujit Roy (University of Alabama in Huntsville; NASA MSFC)
13:35 to 14:00 Code refactoring patterns targeting bandwidth optimized architectures and heterogeneous architectures
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Jacob Poulsen (Intel)
14:00 to 14:25 Performance Optimization of ECTrans on AMD GPUs
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Paul Mullowney (AMD)
14:25 to 14:50 Coffee break
14:50 to 15:10 Hybrid 2024: Adapting IFS for a hybrid CPU-GPU architectures
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Michael Lange (ECMWF)
15:10 to 15:30 GPU adaptation of NWP single column algorithms
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Michael Staneker (ECMWF)
15:30 to 15:50 Automating GPU adaptation of NWP single column physics using Loki
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Ahmad Nawab (ECMWF)
15:50 to 16:10 Heterogeneous HPC to the rescue? Ways to improve the energy efficiency of climate simulations today and tomorrow
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Jan Frederik Engels (German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ))
16:10 to 16:35 Integrated Forecasting System Performance Optimisation
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Richard Graham (NVIDIA)
16:35 to 17:00 Performance Portability and Programmability in the Evolution of Weather Codes Towards Heterogeneous Platfoms
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Camilo Moreno (Intel Corporation)
17:30 to 20:00
Dinner at Cantina Bentivoglio

Starting at 18:30 at

Via Mascarella 4/b
40126 Bologna

Location: San Domenico

Agenda time displays according to the selected time zone.

Thursday, 12 October 2023
08:00 to 13:05 Morning session
Chair: Cristina Duma
07:45 to 08:45 Keynote: ML for High-Performance Climate: Massive Data Post Processing, Extreme Compression, and Earth Virtualization Engines
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Torsten Hoefler (ETH Zurich)
08:45 to 09:30 Coffee break
09:30 to 09:55 Best Practices for NWP in the cloud
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Timothy Brown (Amazon Web Services)
09:55 to 10:20 Exploration of public cloud computing by an operational site running the Unified Model
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Jeff Zais (NIWA)
10:20 to 10:45 Weather forecasting on the cloud: an evaluation of IFS performance on Azure HPC instances
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Cathal O'Brien (ECMWF)
10:45 to 11:00 Comfort break
11:00 to 11:25 Enabling Elastic Cloud Integration with Kubernetes
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Timothy Whitcomb (US Naval Research Laboratory)
11:25 to 11:50 Designing sustainable buildings globally with Hybrid-cloud
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Niall Kennedy (YellowDog)
11:50 to 13:05 Lunch break
13:10 to 17:10 Afternoon session
Chair: Thomas Geenen
13:10 to 13:35 Diversifying Your HPC Technology with Azure: A New Era of Scientific Computing
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Mike Kiernan (Microsoft)
13:35 to 14:00 New Generation HPC for CMA
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Shuai Deng (National Meteorological Information Centre)
14:00 to 14:25 Optimization of the Digital Twins for Weather and Climate Predictions: an exciting battleground
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Stella Paronuzzi Ticco (BSC)
14:25 to 14:50 Coffee break
14:50 to 15:10 Project Rajin and UXarray: community tools for the analysis of kilometer scale climate and weather model output
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: John Clyne (National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR))
15:10 to 15:30 Seeking portability and productivity for future NWP code with GT4Py
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Christian Kühnlein (ECMWF)
15:30 to 15:50 GT4Py: A Python framework for weather and climate applications
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Till Ehrengruber (CSCS / ETH Zurich)
15:50 to 16:10 Pace: A GPU-enabled implementation of FV3GFS using GT4Py
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Oliver Elbert (NOAA)
16:10 to 16:20 Comfort break
16:20 to 17:10 Poster session

Location: San Domenico

Agenda time displays according to the selected time zone.

Friday, 13 October 2023
08:00 to 13:00 Morning session

Chair 1 (9:00-11:45): Sam Hatfield
Chair 2 (12:00-14:00) Patrick Gillies

07:45 to 08:10 Updates of HPC in Japan Meteorological Agency
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Eizi Toyoda (Japan Meteorological Agency)
08:10 to 08:30 Domain Specific Language Adoption into NASA’s Goddard Earth Observing System code
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Christopher Kung (NASA / SAIC)
08:30 to 08:50 Transforming Weather and Climate Code with Psyclone
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Sergi Siso (STFC Hartree Centre)
08:50 to 09:10 Parallel Software Framework of MCV Model
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Qingu Jiang (CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre)
09:10 to 09:55 Coffee break
09:55 to 10:20 Computation Storage as seen from the Excalidata project
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Jean-Thomas Acquaviva (DDN Storage)
10:20 to 10:45 Save Up to 260 CO2e per PB with the WEKA Data Platform
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Derek Burke (WEKA)
10:45 to 11:00 Comfort break
11:00 to 11:25 I/O management at NCEP. Problems and Progress
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: George Vandenberghe (NOAA/NCEP)
11:25 to 11:50 MME REP: Climate Data Records and EO data processing in a server-less computing paradigm
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Salvatore Pinto (EUMETSAT)
11:50 to 12:00 Comfort break
12:00 to 12:25 MultIO: A framework for message-driven data routing in high-resolution weather and climate modelling
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Domokos Sarmany (ECMWF)
12:25 to 12:50 EarthWorks: The computational and engineering challenges faced when building a global storm-resolving resolution modeling system
Presentation slides
Video recording
Speaker: Sheri Mickelson (NCAR)
12:50 to 13:00 Closing remarks
Video recording
Speaker: Martin Palkovic (ECMWF)